Complementary & Alternative

Medicine Therapies


A Wide Range of Services for the Whole Family

St. Albert Naturopathic Clinic offers the best Complementary and Alternative Medicine therapies. By having a variety of treatment options, Naturopathic Doctors are able to choose the combination that is best suited to your personal health situation.

Botanical Medicine

The use of plants for healing dates back to the beginnings of civilization and is the foundation of modern pharmacology. Plant substances from around the world are used for their healing effects and nutritional value. Customized blends are available at St. Albert Naturopathic Clinic for your convenience and to maximize your healing potential.

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Dietary Guidance

Clinical Nutrition examines the relationship between diet and health. Optimal nutrition is far more than counting calories or following the Canada Food Guide recommendations. Special diets are often used.

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Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements are vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, or other natural substances prescribed to treat or prevent symptoms and health conditions. Product are usually ingested in capsule, tablet or liquid form.

We sell pharmaceutical grade products at our clinic and we recommend specific high quality products from health food stores as part of our patients treatment plans.

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Intravenous (IV) Therapy

If a patients’ body is severely depleted, vitamins and minerals taken orally can take many weeks or months to have an effect. An oral approach to vitamin supplementation may never yield results until the gastrointestinal tract is restored to full function. However, in these situations nutrients can be injected intravenously to begin to restore a system to normal levels in two or three visits and the healing can commence more quickly. Cancer patients can benefit from reaching higher intracellular concentrations of Vitamin C than is possible through oral supplementation. Our clinic prides itself on having caring and experienced nursing staff monitor the treatment during your whole visit. Our nurses will take fantastic care of you.

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Lifestyle Counselling

Physical, emotional, nutritional and environmental factors affect health. Naturopathic Doctors help patients make effective lifestyle choices. Mind-Body medicine is more than a slogan – the mind is a very powerful tool in your healing process.

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Physical Medicine

A variety of hands-on techniques for the spine, joints and soft tissues. Physical therapies also include therapeutic use of hydrotherapy (hot and cold water), massage and castor oil packs. We also offer the services of an excellent Registered Massage Therapist at clinic.

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Acupuncture is based on balancing the flow of Qi or energy in the meridian pathways of the body. Through appropriate diagnosis and point location, fine needles are used to balance the energy and promote health.

Muscle release acupuncture (MRA) is a technique for relieving muscle pain and spasm related to nerve irritation. Many people suffer from chronic pain and spasm of the muscles. Pain and spasm can be relieved through specific trigger point stimulation using acupuncture needles. MRA can be used in conjunction with other pain treatment modalities.

We have seen quick relief in conditions such as:

  • headaches
  • low back pain
  • neck and shoulder pains
  • sciatica
  • spasms in neck, back, shoulders, calves, gluteal muscles, forearms, thumbs, jaw…

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Call us at (780) 459-5601

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