Six Step PCOS Program

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormone disorders affecting women. It is suspected that more than 1/10 women have PCOS yet many are undiagnosed. Some of the more common symptoms of PCOS are irregular or absent periods, acne, hair loss, cystic ovaries, infertility, and difficulty losing weight. 

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Program Overview

Although research has come a long way in terms of understanding the causes of PCOS, and more women are getting diagnosed, conventional medicine has little to offer in terms of effective treatment.  Women are often told that they need to lose weight to fix their PCOS, but weight loss is extremely difficult for women with PCOS due to no fault of their own. The typical formula of reducing food intake and increasing exercise rarely brings results.  The drug, Metformin, is often prescribed but a recent study has shown that this medication did not help women with PCOS to lose weight after being on it for 3 months. Also, metformin is often poorly tolerated due to gastrointestinal side effects. The birth control pill can help with regulating the period but it doesn’t address any of the underlying imbalances that cause PCOS. It’s also obviously not a good solution for women who are trying to conceive. 

Dr. Rebecca Tocher-Richmond, ND has been helping women with hormonal issues including PCOS for over 20 years. She has developed a specific interest in PCOS because she discovered early on in her career that there is so much that Naturopathic Medicine can do to help these women. Dr. Tocher-Richmond has created a 6 Step PCOS Program as a framework for treating PCOS.  Although there are some aspects of treatment that apply to all women with PCOS, every woman is unique so each patient’s plan will look a little different.  The naturopathic approach to treating PCOS is not a quick-fix program. Although we often see some immediate improvements, other symptoms of PCOS take time to resolve. We work together to create an eating plan and lifestyle changes that are sustainable over the long term. Supplement recommendations are focused on a woman’s specific hormonal picture and needs. We do blood tests at various stages in the process to identify imbalances and to monitor results.  If you or someone you know is struggling because of PCOS, please give us a call at the clinic or book an appointment online. We would love to help you on your path to wellness.

The 6 Step PSOC Program

Step 1

  • Health history to discuss your PCOS symptoms and all aspects of your health
  • In-office testing including live blood cell analysis, bioelectrical impedance test, and urine test
  • Initial supplement recommendations for PCOS and other health concerns
  • Introductory dietary plan presented as a ‘foods to eat and foods to avoid’ list to keep it simple
  • Comprehensive blood work panel through Dynalife Lab

Step 2

  • Review of blood work findings. We will discuss what your numbers mean, how they relate to your symptoms, and how to resolve any imbalances
  • More specific nutritional recommendations based on blood work results
  • Recipes will be provided including detailed weekly meal plans if that works for you
  • Nutritional supplements will be added or removed from your protocol based on your unique needs

Step 3

  • Discussion of progress on initial diet and supplement program
  • Address specific challenges that may be inhibiting progress such as cravings, stress, and sleep
  • Nutritional supplements and dietary recommendations will be adjusted and tweaked based on your symptoms and results so far
  • Exercise recommendations based on what you enjoy and what’s best for PCOS

Step 4

  • Review of progress so far and address any challenges
  • Refine the nutrition and supplement recommendations
  • How is the exercise going?
  • Discuss the toxins which are all around us and what you need to know for PCOS long term care
  • Re-test the blood work

Step 5

  • Review the blood work results
  • Adjust the dietary and supplement recommendations based on blood work results
  • Repeat the in-office testing-urine tests, live blood cell analysis, and bioelectric impedance testing

Step 6

  • Tweak the diet and adjust the supplements based on progress
  • Set up a maintenance plan for long-term success

PCOS is a lifetime condition but with a solid program of nutrition and supplementation the symptoms of PCOS can be effectively managed. Changes in the maintenance program are required based on changes in a patient’s life such as stress levels, pregnancy, effects of age and the development of other acute or chronic health conditions. The maintenance program will be adjusted accordingly. Annual PCOS specific blood work is recommended.

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